Penetration Testing.

CREST certified penetration testing makes you better in places
you least expect it.

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What is penetration testing?

A penetration test is an assessment designed to uncover weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your company’s defenses. Such a test exploits authentication issues, cross-site scripting problems, source code flaws, logic flaws, and insecure network configurations.

It examines all of the software and technical infrastructure that keeps your business systems operational.

Let us assist you in identifying your vulnerabilities.

Schedule a call back for a free consultation and a penetration test quote.


Firewall Configuration

The sets of rules used within your firewall software can fast become out of date and thus increase security risks. Unsafe firewall configurations are assessed during this test and recommendations of configurational changes are made.

Mobile Application Security

Mobile apps allow customers to purchase products & services through their phone or tablet. The latest security testing tools & development frameworks are reviewed during this assessment.

Host Configuration

Cyber defence touches all aspects of your business data and host configuration security testing will evaluate host apps and operating systems. The recommendations made as a result of this test will allow you to harden your defences from advanced threats.

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Network Security.

This test has been carefully designed to stringently test your computer network for a wide variety of weaknesses. The malicious accessibility of the data that your company holds is tested to bring to light any vulnerabilities that might exist. A plan is then put in place to mitigate these risks from future attacks.


Wireless Network Security

Wireless networks can be a security risk if they are unsecured. A wireless network security test will attempt to access your network with the intention of stealing valuable data. The wireless security test report will identify weaknesses and recommend how your defences can be strengthened.

Why penetration test?

Penetration testing is the only way to test the defences that are protecting your data from ever-evolving criminal threats. An internal and external pen test of your cybersecurity will give your company a confirmation of the security controls in place, through an independent test.

A pen test will help your organisation understand the cybersecurity threats and gain a better awareness of them. You can then fix vulnerabilities prior to them being exploited by criminal hackers.

Proactive Security

Penetrating testing is your protection against the latest threats, tools, and techniques of criminal hackers. A penetration test explores the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your business’s defences and highlights what action your business needs to take, to protect against the identified threats.

CREST Accredited

We are a CREST accredited company that employs Offensive Security Certified Professionals (OSCP), also known as ethical hackers. Under a defined scope set out with your company, our hackers systematically infiltrate your systems to find weaknesses in your defence plan and expose vulnerabilities.

Understand Threats From Outsiders.

External Pen Testing

External penetration testing removes the uncertainty and risks of an external attack on your computer systems. It simulates an outsider attack and again identifies the weaknesses in your systems.

An external penetration test will help your company Identify and address weak spots, where sensitive information can be exposed. The resulting report will highlight systems that an outside attacker could take control of.

Understand Threats From Within.

Internal Pen Testing

Internal penetration testing is a process that will allow you to fully understand the potential threats from within. The test is designed to help you reduce the risks that are posed by individuals who have legitimate access to your computer systems and your network.

Our ethical hackers will simulate an insider attack to see how far into your systems an insider can get while remaining undetected. The hacking test will highlight what information can be extracted or accessed from within your premises and environment.

Ethical Hackers.

How Pen Testing Works

Penetration testing is carried out by ethical hackers who use manual and penetration testing tools to exploit weaknesses in your systems. This testing of your internal and external security defences uses real-life techniques used by the most sophisticated and intelligent cybercriminals. The results form the basis of a comprehensive report that shows issues and gives clarity to where your security systems are weak.

The pen test report will recommend and address exactly how to remediate these weaknesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our frequently asked questions or Contact us if you have any further enquiries.

Why Omni

We use industry certified techniques and tools to help clients rapidly identify and rectify security gaps everywhere their people, products and customers interact with technology.

Some of the biggest brand globally trust our highly qualified and experienced team to ensure their systems and infrastructure are secure and compliant. 

Whilst our teams can be relied upon to provide excellence in a single engagement, Omni excel at helping our clients mitigate the risks of their changing threat landscape for the long term, through a bespoke delivery of compliance and security services.


Find out where you are vulnerable, before hackers do

Sometimes offence is the best defence against cyber criminals. That’s why we provide a detailed mix of IT security services like CREST certified penetration testing, social engineering, web application testing and more. We search for the security gaps and give you the streamlined recommendations you need to fill them fast.


Prevention is the best medicine

The average cost of a data breach in 2019 came at the bargain price of US$3.92 million. Large enterprises have the resources to absorb a hit like this, but most businesses don’t. This is where Managed Security comes in. As your embedded cybersecurity team, we provide network monitoring and advanced threat detection to minimise your risk of business disruption.


Safeguard data, protect your customers and yourself

Do you get butterflies when you hear the words GDPR, PCI DSS, IASME, PIPEDA, CCPA? Getting Compliance right is a big deal and gets more complicated day-by-day. We can help. Our Compliance team has all the knowledge and tools you need to integrate best practices for data privacy across your entire organization and keep you resilient in face of a data breach.