
Cyber Security Issues in the Entertainment Industry

Security threats exist for a broad range of industries, and the entertainment industry is not exempt. Here you can discover the cybersecurity vulnerabilities that exist in the entertainment industry. 


Whether you are involved in video production or online gaming, we will help your company identify these issues, no matter how big or how small you are.


What is a Cyber-Attack?


Cybercriminals conduct cyber-attacks against networks, computers, websites, and applications. An attack intends to extort financial gain by stealing sensitive data or holding a company to ransom by preventing access to their network. Cyber-attacks may also be conducted purely to ruin a company’s reputation. Cyber-attack methodologies include ransomware, malware, phishing, and denial of service.


Cybersecurity issues in the entertainment industry


Your media and entertainment business can be prone to an attack simply due to the nature of the industry. The sheer number of vendors, suppliers, and creative entities you work with and the complexity of production software and systems all give openings for cybercriminals to exploit. You need a security strategy that secures your intellectual property, data, and assets across all your systems and network. Viruses, phishing attacks, and data breaches account for the most significant proportion of successful cyber-attacks.


Significant attacks on media and entertainment companies


One of the most notable attacks on media and entertainment companies was the Sony Pictures Entertainment attack which took place in November 2014. The malware attack included stealing terabytes of sensitive data and deleting the originals from Sony computers. The attackers threatened to release the data, documents, and private correspondence into the public domain if their demands were not met. Sony’s network was down for days, and private emails and data were exposed in early 2015.


Even though awareness of the threats in the media and entertainment industry increased, companies continue to fall prey to cybercriminals. HBO, Netflix, ABC, Funke Media Group, and Disney have all sustained huge cyber-attacks and ransom demands, since the Sony attack. Valve Software’s Steam gaming platform also suffered hacks stealing large amounts of customer passwords, credit card numbers, names, and addresses.


Let’s not also forget about Polish video game maker CD Projekt Red falling victim to a ransomware attack earlier this year in February 2021.


How to tackle cyber security


Preventing cyber-attacks should be a critical security strategy if your company works in the entertainment industry. You can identify weaknesses, test your security, and take remedial action:

Contact us to speak with a cyber security expert about taking steps to ensure your business is protected.

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